Game Dev

bartron on 12/18/2023
OpenGL First Person Shooter
tags: Hobby Projects Game Dev .net
Metroid: Crashdown
bartron on 1/5/2021
A small hobby dev Metroid game
tags: Hobby Projects Game Dev .net Monogame
Mobile Dungeon Crawler
bartron on 1/1/2021
Turn based adventure game, programmed with monogame for Android
tags: Hobby Projects Game Dev .net Monogame
President Card Game
bartron on 1/1/2021
President Card Game, up to 7 players and 3 decks
tags: Hobby Projects Game Dev Java
Project SafeGuard
bartron on 1/1/2021
Post Apocalyptic RPG, programmed in Java
tags: Hobby Projects Game Dev Java
Shattered Future
bartron on 1/3/2021
A Zelda-style post apocalyptic action game
tags: Hobby Projects Game Dev .net Monogame